Sunday, August 31, 2008

future confusion

Never have I wanted to move my feet and lose my seat so bad.
One day I will understand the reason of this season.
Next time we wont go about things assbackwards.

Thursday, August 28, 2008


I got the chance to meet some new people last night. Two of the guys I was sitting near started talking to me about what I do, or rather where I go to school... this started the ball rolling. We ended up talking for about an hour about my beliefs and about the God that I know and love.
At first they would challenge every word that I said, near the end they began to grasp that I had a rather strong relationship with Christ and wasnt just a pew warmer.

At one point someone asked if the church would like the fact that I was at a bar at that moment. For a moment I wasnt sure how to answer him. Because there are alot of people in the church that would indeed say that I shouldnt been seen in a bar, and there are alot of people that either think its perfectly fine or couldnt care less.

At some point in the past few years Ive come to realise and really understand that the bar is a safe place for them, a place they are themseles. Alot of the people I have met at the bar have become really good friends of mine. They are more honest than some of my church friends. I'm just making friends and hopefully loving them like Christ has called me to do.

DISCLAIMER: I am well aware of the effects being in this "scene" can have on myself. I do not join the crowd in their binge drinking, if i consume any alcohol I have a limit of one drink a night. I have a support network of people that hold me accountable.

I am not walking blind, but I am walking.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008


The other day I went to the beach to relax and hopefully soak up the sun. The sun was out and on full blast, but sadly so was the wind.
Reguardless of the cool chill in the air I found myself at such peace. Simply just hearing the waves crashing makes a smile creep on my face.
Looking up and down the beach of Grand Bend makes me appreciate the beauty of Ontario. I have been blessed to have seen so much of my country and of our southern neighbours. God has created some amazing and beautiful places!!
Someday I will all of the "Seven Natural Wonders of the World"
  • Mount Everest- Nepal
  • Victoria Falls- Zimbabwe/Zambia
  • The Grand Caynon- Arizona, USA -----DONE!
  • The Great Barrier Reef- Austrailla
  • Northern Lights -----DONE!
  • The Harbor of Rio de Janeiro- Brazil
  • Paricutin Volcano- Mexico

Monday, August 25, 2008

See you soon?

Frick it can be difficult to say goodbye!
I have more than one home. More than one family.
Families that are seperated by 2778km.
More than anything I wish I had a way of living in two places at once. God keeps blessing me with new friends and stronger bonds with old ones. While I am grateful for this, it makes goodbyes harder.
I am excited for the next season of my life, if it is anything like the last 12 months... it will be an interesting one to say the least.