Saturday, November 15, 2008

Brooks Reynolds

Its awesome when you can look at a person and say "wow God has truly blessed them!" we do have to be careful however to not become envious of the blessings God has given them.
The person that comes to mind when I ponder about blessings is that of Brooks Reynolds.
He is a friend of a friend, and I have had the privilege of getting to know Brooks in the past three years. Enough to know that God has blessed him richly with creativity and talent in the photography world. It always amazes where Brooks captures beauty, it can be in the most simple things of life. I have truly come to respect him as a person aswell as an artist.

He has been working fervently on a personal project that I would like to shamelessly plug. Please visit and look through his newest project.
If you wish to see more of his work his blog is
Grab a beverage, sit and just really enjoy the photos that Brooks Reynolds has taken.

Thursday, November 13, 2008


tonight i recieved new news about my vechile... news that means either alot of money or im taking the bus. unfortunatly reality says that there is a very strong chance that i will be taking the grt everywhere. i have to pick up more shifts simply to pay for MCC, let alone a new car!

regardless this blog was not about my major money shortage!

but the fact that everytime, and i mean like EVERYTIME i take my sock off i say (either out loud or in my head) "huh :) i have a tattoo:)" or "huh, my tattoo is just so cute!:D" OR my favourite which happened tonight " HUH!? oh right tattoo..." phew!
no word of a lie. i think i have a mild case of amnesia.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

if i die, i die

what would you do if you truly thought that there was a good chance you could die tomorrow... or that Jesus was returning on friday?
would you live your life a little different? would you begin to appreicate your family and friends a little more? perhaps even be bold enough to talk to the cutie that serves you gelato? maybe even telling someone about God so that there is at least one less person getting tortured in hell?

well lately ive been really challenging myself in thinking that tomorrow is not a guarantee. we so often think and plan that our lives will end when we are old and in a wheelchair... but guess what?! you really have no idea if you will croak tomorrow, or in 3 weeks from now, or in 30 years from now.

I guess im just trying not to dwell on the future and what it all holds and means, but im trying to live my life to the fullest, making the most of the short time i might have on this earth.


this month.. no scratch that... the past two weeks... ive have two flat tires.
one on my moms car when i was in TO (then drove home on the spare [not fun]) then when i returned home, i found out that my front two tires on MY car needed to be replaced ASAP, cuz they were on the verge of exploding...
tonight my back tire got a flat while i was going home from east sides.
luckly jon and darren saw my car on the side of the road and fix my tire, and then drove me home once i dropped it off at the shop.
im very grateful for my friends :)
not so much for my car anymore, its being kinda a jerk lately... sigh. oh well. such is life.